The Graduate Admissions

The Graduate Admissions

Binghamton University - Graduate Recruiter Meetings

Interested in earning a graduate degree? Have questions about the programs at Binghamton University? Join a virtual one-on-one session or email to request an in-person meeting with a Binghamton University representative. While our representatives can speak to all programs, you may want to choose the recruiter who liaises with the specific school or college that you are interested in, as noted below:

Harpur/CCPA/Nursing programs
Khadijah Boxill

Pharmacy/Occupational Therapy/
Physical Therapy/Speech Language Pathology programs
Becca Cetta

Watson/SOM programs:
Kelsey Dobradi-Zembek

Choose a green date from the calendar to schedule an appointment slot and register for a virtual one-on-one meeting. Please note that all times are listed in EST.
Unavailable / Filled
Not Scheduled