The Graduate Admissions

The Graduate Admissions

Binghamton University - Graduate Recruiter Meetings

Interested in earning a graduate degree? Have questions about the programs at Binghamton University? Join a virtual one-on-one session or email to request an in-person meeting with a Binghamton University representative. While our representatives can speak to all programs, you may want to choose the recruiter who liaises with the specific school or college that you are interested in, as noted below:

Harpur/CCPA programs
Khadijah Boxill

Pharmacy/School of Management programs:
Becca Cetta

Watson (Engineering)/Occupational Therapy/
Physical Therapy/Speech Language Pathology/Nursing

Kelsey Dobradi-Zembek

Choose a green date from the calendar to schedule an appointment slot and register for a virtual one-on-one meeting. Please note that all times are listed in EST.

Regarding Application Fee Waivers:

Please note that there is a $75 nonrefundable application fee.

For all students: you may request a fee waiver from the academic department to which you are applying. Please refer to your department's webpage for more information or contact them directly. Please keep in mind that, in this case, a fee waiver request will be reviewed and processed by the academic department and it may take some time for them to respond to your request.

For domestic students: Certain student groups may be eligible for an application fee waiver, including CSTEP, EOP, HEOP, LSAMP, Project 1000, SEEK, or TRIO, as well as certain GEM Fellowship applicants and United States Armed Forces veterans and active-duty service members. You can read more about eligibility requirements for these groups on our apply page.

The Office of Graduate Recruitment and Admissions, including the representatives listed above, do not have the authority or ability to offer application fee waivers to any student.

Unavailable / Filled
Not Scheduled